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One of our most recent mission work took us to Los Callobas in Haiti, where we conducted mass feedings of various villages by providing throusands of pounds of clothes, food, candy and hundreds of toys. We conducted 22 weddings for people who wanted to get married for quite some time but were unable to due to the cost.
The journey from the airport took approximately 2 hours. We were grateful for the transportation we had considering how much longer the trip would have been if we had to travel by donkeys or horses. We'll be posting our mission schedules soon in the event you's like to make arrangements to travel with us. Your donations are very helpful and much appreciated!
Anse-A-Fleur a beautiful, remote village located approximately 8 1/2 hours away from Haiti's capital, Port Au Prince, is home to some of the country's poorest residents. Despite its picturesque location, the need for basic survival items are tremendous. Many of the homes located not far from the ocean, are made from mud and other material.
The children are very hungry and always asking for food. They lack the supplies such as books, writing instruments and other essentials to obtain an education. Their toys are made from wood and various parts of discarded cans. Since there is no elecrticity, generators are used by those who are able to obtain them.
Some of the greatest needs include: Clothes, food, all school supplies, medical services and supplies since there are no hospitals or clinics there, Bibles in Creole and shoes.
After talking to a Pastor on the neighbouring island of La Totsie (aka La Badie-photo on the left-"view from nails trail"), he shared that two services are held on the weekends; one on Saturdays for those who have clothes to wear to services, and another on Sunday for those who are sparsely dressed.
We have access to shipping supplies directly to these towns, but need your help to get them there. The demand for all survival items are critical and we ungently need your help to make the lives of these wonderful people better. Please donate today.
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