Begin To Serve Philippines
Bacoor Swamp dwelling is home to some of the country's poorest individualswho need help in many ways.
The swampy water is home to 135 adults and more than 40 children who, based on past history of the area, dates back to the 1970’s when early settlers began to develop crudely built bamboo homes as long term housing there, handas lived on top of the water since they as too poor to afford land.
The swamp village is constructed from concrete, bamboo, tattered piecesof canvas, cloth and ply-board in a majority of areas. The support columns made from a combination of concrete and bamboo poles, are driven into the floor of the horrible smelling swamp water for support. The flooring of dwelling spaces are also made from bamboo, and partially covered with zinc roofing for protection. The walls are also made from bamboo, and living spaces between them are also covered with zinc or canvas in most areas, secured with nylon rope and nails wherever possible for personal privacy.
Main areas of the structure supported by cement columns, are showing signs of damage and corrosion, caused by harsh weather conditions it has experienced over it's 50 years of existence, leaving the entire community in grave danger.
Remove and replace all rotten bamboo and corroding cement columns, and replace them with concrete. Reinforce the flooring with marine ply board instead of the shredded bamboo already there. Reinforce all support columns on the topside for stability of dwellingspaces, making them secure for day to day living.
School supplies for children, clothes for adults and children, Bibles, Food, shoes, sanitary napkins for women, seeds, plants, tools and land for planting and harvesting crops to become self sustaining.
Fortunately for these residents, there is electricity throughout the neighborhood, however due to the stagnant water which sometimes rises into the living quarters after heavy rains and spreading remnants of its daily stench and waste, creates an unhealthy living environment for the families there.
The need to fortify the swamp dwelling which is exposed to damaging weather is immediate. Your support of this initiative will positively impact the lives of these unforgotten people, and give them hope of a brighter future before it is too late. Donate now to help this poor community.

Project Juniel
When our mission partner the Zambales Police Department in the Philippines reached out to us regarding 13-year old Juniel and his family of 8 who lived in the tent dwelling shown in this photo above, Begin To Serve Foundation immediately adopted them. Juniel was unable to walk and had to be carried by an adult as his legs could not support his weight.
Some of his immediate needs at the time were a wheel chair, clothing and food. Within a relatively short time, Police Officer Jovelyn Ullibac Mayor one of our partners in the Philippines, gathered all details of the familys life and needs, and we went to work. Juniel recieved his wheelchair and other essentials, and a house was built to accomodate him and his family.

Unlike the Police in various parts of the world who at times brutalize the poor and homeless, this Police department in the Philippines, has an active humanitarian service concept embedded in their community protection and policing model.
They actively seek out families in need and raise funds to help them. In this particular project, they identified and combined their skills to build Juniel and his family their new home.
Donate to help our partners continue to identify and help poor families such as Juniel's.