Begin To Serve - Jamaica W. I

About Our Projects
Marie Cole Primary School is located in Burnt Ground District, St. Elizabeth. The number of children attending classes there is around 350. They are in desperate need of books, a cooling system (fans), playground equipment, computers, painting to enhance school appearance and renovated outdoor toilets. Volunteers are welcome to work alongside our team to help accomplish these objectives. No more should going to Jamaica an island appreciation trip, it's time to lend a helping hand. Dates for this project release: JANUARY 2017. Register now!
Join our team now and get ready to roll up your sleeves, put your working boots on and get ready to make these amazing kids in Jamaica happy by providing their classroom with a much needed face lift, school supplies and toys.

Foster Parents Program
About Our Foster Kids
These 3 amaings boys are motherless and need our support. We're counting you to become a Foster parent of the amazing future leaders..

With your support we can continue to transform the lives of these and other children like them living in difficult circumstances. Please donate today.

Previous Project - St. MARY PREP
VP - Alicia-Ashman-Ramsey
Team Leader

Begin To Serve Foundation outreach programs are unlike any you will experience. We are a Missionary outreach team who believe in spreading the love of Christ to the world, through words and action, as well as reaching out globally to secure service partnerships which help accomplish service goals.
Nestled away in the hills of St. Mary Jamaica, this Primary School Project was discovered by Missionary Shakira and her team. She ensures these kids have the proper environment in which to play and learn. Upon discovering the school needed books, computers, updated desks, chairs, playground equipment and renovations to enhance the appearance of the school buildings.
Through aggressive fundraising efforts, the toilets and other areas of the school has undergone extensive enhancements but they are still in need of your support to continue the work to help elevate the quality of life the kids experience there.
Being part of our many national and international missionary service projects like this one, will bring unspeakable joy into your life!
Recently we have sponsored an ice cream day
Despite having providing many essential items and activities for the children of this school, we still have great need for many additional items and appreciate your participation:
Playground equipment
Desks and chairs
Funds for uniforms

With your help we were able to...
With your help we were able to provide the poor children of St. Mary's primary school wiith clothes, toiletries, goodies, books and many essential school supplies to enhance their quality of education..

As partners we can continue to do more...
Your support goes a long way. The outdoor toilet looks a lot better than the previous photos presented. The children and staff are happy for what we've been able to accomplish with your help. We've come a long way but still have quite a distance to go. Many schools across Jamaica are experiencing the same conditions. Share your experience with us and let's do something about them together! Please continue to support us. Teamwork makes the dream work!