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This amazing book by Author-Michael A. Jones, provides a no-nonsense approach to obtaining spiritual wisdom and a definitive steps to dissolving any issue in your life. Available here:


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  • This book provides a no-nonsense approach to obtaining spiritual wisdom and a definitive steps to dissolving any issue in your life. Issues involving marriage, problematic friendships, provides steps to managing your finances using Biblical guidelines and understanding why bad things sometimes happen to good people. The book presents Biblical food choices that provides fantastic health, it shares 7 Powerful Habits of Highly Successful Christians and how these steps showers them with Spiritual prosperity, reveals the real truth surrounding the second coming of God, teaches Biblical fasting and how to engage them for amazing results, as well as presents Biblical guidelines regarding proper tithing and the many benefits it provides! Battling sinful choices in our everyday lives is no easy undertaking, however these practical God directed collection of words, provides a blueprint that clearly charts a success path that will make you victorious over sin.

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